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We stream our Sunday and Wednesday Services to Facebook and you can watch them anytime by clicking HERE.


You'll find information about our current series and links to the messages in each series below.

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Pastor Josh, out of the blue around Christmas, had a serious health scare... he's almost completely recovered, but is using this series to share of the wonderful and painful lessons learned through these moments.


Watch Online (Click the link to be taken to our Facebook Video):

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Previous Series

In the Sermon on the Mount, God made flesh in Jesus Christ teaches us how to pray... this is insider information that we ought not ignore.  What should prayer do for us?  What are the things we should pray for?  What if my prayers are or aren't answered?  Have I been praying wrong?  The Lord's Prayer is a challenging model of prayer that may just change your spiritual life!


Watch Online (Click the link to be taken to our Facebook Video):

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Previous Series

In 12 Stones, we're going to look at how we can intentionally do physical things to see and remember spiritual realities...  In a few weeks, we're going to look at the story of an altar built in the Old Testament as an example... but for today, here are some ways to intentionally develop behaviors that cause spiritual blessings in your new year... all from some of the best things we do at Christmas!

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Previous Series

Christmas is coming... and Christmas will pass.  For most of us, the magic of Christmas will fade on December 26th, and we'll wonder why such special moments didn't fill us with something more.

Join us to find out why we miss the spirit of Christmas... and how we can set our December up to fill us up for a long winter!

Watch Online (Click the link to be taken to our Facebook Video):

  • Week #1 - The Rhythm of Christmas

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Previous Series

As many as 8 in 10 Americans believe in angels... and in the UK, belief in angels has risen every year for quite some time... even as belief in God has waned.

Let's find out what the Bible says about these spiritual beings... and how they can help and hinder our walk with Jesus.

Watch Online (Click the link to be taken to our Facebook Video):

Previous Series

There's probably no one better than Judas at betrayal... or at least more well known for it. So let's look at how and why people betray others, using Judas as the model... and then, what Jesus does in response.

It hurts the worst when it's from someone you love and trust... and lots of us are carrying around this hurt years after the betrayal. Maybe Jesus help us move forward?


Watch Online (Click the link to be taken to our Facebook Video):

Previous Series

This new series is simply on the Gospel, and what our lives and church look like when we're saturated in the Gospel.

And... many of us live in fear of God, as though he's waiting to "cancel us" when we step out of line... but the Gospel teaches us that God doesn't want us to fail... he wants us to be saved!

This change in thinking will mean everything for you!


Watch Online (Click the link to be taken to our Facebook Video):

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